Focus and Scope
Biota Colombiana is a periodic scientific journal that publishes original articles and essays about biodiversity of the Neotropical region, with emphasis oi Colombia and neighboring countries. It is refereed by a minimum of two peer reviewers. It includes subjects related to botany, zoology, ecology, biology, limnology, conservation, resource management and use of biodiversity as well as database articles.
The submission of a manuscript implies the explicit declaration by the author (s) that the manuscript has not previously been published nor accepted for publication in another journal or other scientific dissemination body. The arbitration process has a minimum duration of three to four months from the receipt of the article by Biota Colombiana. All contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors and not the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, the journal or its editors.
Section Policies
Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Papers can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and it is recommended not exceeding 25 pages (with paragraphs spaced at 1,5) including tables, figures and Annex. For special cases, the editor could consider publishing more extensive papers, monographs or symposium conclusions. New species descriptions for science, new geographic records and regional biodiversity lists are of particular interest for this journal. Any word-processor program may be used for the text (Word is recommended). taxonomic list or any other type of table, should be prepared in spreadsheet aplication (Excel is recommended). To submit a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which clearly indicates:
1. Full names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. (Please note that email addresses are essential to direct communication).
2. The complete title of the article.
3. Names, sizes, and types of files provide.
4. A list of the names and addresses of at least three (3) reviewers who are qualified to evaluate the manuscript.
Submitted manuscript will have a peer review evaluation. Resulting in any of the following: a) accepted (in this case we assume that no change, omission or addition to the article is required and it will be published as presented.); b) conditional acceptance (the article is accepted and recommended to be published but it needs to be corrected as indicated by the reviewer); and c) rejected (when the reviewer considers that the contents and/or form of the paper are not in accordance with requirements of publication standards of Biota Colombiana).

Date papers
Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Manuscripts that describe datasets containing original primary biological records (data of occurrences in a particular place and time); information associated with specimens of biological collections, thematic or regional inventories of species, genomic data and all data likely to be structured with the standard Darwin CoreDarwin Core (DwC). This standard is used in the community of authors publishing biodiversity datasets to structure the data and thus to consolidate and integrate from different sources globally. It is not recommended to submit manuscripts describing secondary datasets, such as biological records compilations from secondary sources (e.g. literature or compilations of records already published in networks such as GBIF or IABIN).
As mentioned above data submitted in this process should be structured based on DwC standard. For ease of structuring, the Biodiversity Information System of Colombia (SiB Colombia), created two templates in Excel; one for occurrences and other for species checklist. Carefully read and follow the template instructions for structuring and publishing data. For any questions about the structure process of data please contact the Coordinator Team of SiB Colombia (EC-SiB) at
To assist the creation and structuring of the manuscript in the GMP standard, an electronic writing tool is available ( to guide the author in the process and ultimately generate a first version of the manuscript. The use of GMP manual as an information guide to include in each section of the manuscript, as well as the annex 1 is recommended.
Steps required for the manuscript preparation:
1. Request access to the electronic writing tool at sib+iac@ The EC-SiB will assign a username and password.
2. Login to the electronic writing tool, then go to the tab Manage Resources and create a new resource by assigning a short name for your manuscript and clicking on the Create button. Use the format: “InstitutionAcronym_Year_DatasetFeature”, e.g. NMNH_2010_rainforestbirds.
3. In the overview of the writing tool click on edit in Metadata section (please, do not use any other section), once there you will find different sections (right panel) that will guide you creating your manuscript. Save the changes at the end of each section, otherwise you will lose the information. Remember to use the GMP manual. Here are some recommendations for editing the metadata, sections are indicated in CAPS and the elements of these sections in bold. ***
4. Check that the format of the information provided meets the guidelines of the journal (e.g. abbreviations, units, number formatting, etc.) in the Biota Colombiana Guidelines for Authors.
5. Once included and verified all information in the writing tool, notify to EC-SiB at, indicating that you have finished editing the manuscript. Additionally attach the Excel template with structured data (remove all columns that were not used). The EC-SiB will perform corrections and final recommendations about the structure of the data and give you the final instructions to submit the paper.
- In ASSOCIATED PARTIES include only those who are not listed in BASIC INFORMATION.
- PROJECT DATA and COLLECTION DATA are optional depending on the data type. When using these sections extend or complement information already provided, i.e. do not repeat the same information describing the description (GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE) in the study area description (PROJECT DATA).
- Likewise, in SAMPLING METHODS, you must expand or complete the information, not repeat it. The information in study extent should give a specific context of the sampling methodology.
- It is essential to document the quality control in SAMPLING METHODS. Here you should describe what tools or protocols were used to ensure the quality and consistency of data structured with DwC standard.
- To create the resource citation in the CITATIONS section, follow one of the two formats proposed (Annex 2). Do not fill out the citation identifier, this will be provided later by the EC-SiB.
- To include the manuscript bibliography in citations, enter each of the citations individually, adding a new citation each time by clicking in the bottom left.
Someter el manuscrito
Once you have finished editing your manuscript and getting the instructions from EC-SIB, send a letter submitting your article to email, following the instructions of Biota Colombiana Guidelines for Authors.
Remember to attach:
- Excel template with the latest version of the data reviewed by the EC-SiB.
- Word document with figures and tables followed by a list of them.
At the end of the process, your information will be public and freely accessible in the data portal of SiB Colombia and GBIF. This will allow your data to be available for national and international audience, while maintaining credit to the authors and partner institutions.

Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Papers can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and it is recommended not exceeding 40 pages (with paragraphs spaced at 1,5) including tables, figures and Annex. For special cases, the editor could consider publishing more extensive papers, monographs or symposium conclusions. New species descriptions for science, new geographic records and regional biodiversity lists are of particular interest for this journal. Any word-processor program may be used for the text (Word is recommended). taxonomic list or any other type of table, should be prepared in spreadsheet aplication (Excel is recommended). To submit a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which clearly indicates:
1. Full names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. (Please note that email addresses are essential to direct communication).
2. The complete title of the article.
3. Names, sizes, and types of files provide.
4. A list of the names and addresses of at least three (3) reviewers who are qualified to evaluate the manuscript.
Submitted manuscript will have a peer review evaluation. Resulting in any of the following: a) accepted (in this case we assume that no change, omission or addition to the article is required and it will be published as presented.); b) conditional acceptance (the article is accepted and recommended to be published but it needs to be corrected as indicated by the reviewer); and c) rejected (when the reviewer considers that the contents and/or form of the paper are not in accordance with requirements of publication standards of Biota Colombiana).

Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Papers can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and it is recommended not exceeding 40 pages (with paragraphs spaced at 1,5) including tables, figures and Annex. For special cases, the editor could consider publishing more extensive papers, monographs or symposium conclusions. New species descriptions for science, new geographic records and regional biodiversity lists are of particular interest for this journal. Any word-processor program may be used for the text (Word is recommended). taxonomic list or any other type of table, should be prepared in spreadsheet aplication (Excel is recommended). To submit a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which clearly indicates:
1. Full names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. (Please note that email addresses are essential to direct communication).
2. The complete title of the article.
3. Names, sizes, and types of files provide.
4. A list of the names and addresses of at least three (3) reviewers who are qualified to evaluate the manuscript.
Submitted manuscript will have a peer review evaluation. Resulting in any of the following: a) accepted (in this case we assume that no change, omission or addition to the article is required and it will be published as presented.); b) conditional acceptance (the article is accepted and recommended to be published but it needs to be corrected as indicated by the reviewer); and c) rejected (when the reviewer considers that the contents and/or form of the paper are not in accordance with requirements of publication standards of Biota Colombiana).

New bibliographic material
Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Papers can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and it is recommended not exceeding 40 pages (with paragraphs spaced at 1,5) including tables, figures and Annex. For special cases, the editor could consider publishing more extensive papers, monographs or symposium conclusions. New species descriptions for science, new geographic records and regional biodiversity lists are of particular interest for this journal. Any word-processor program may be used for the text (Word is recommended). taxonomic list or any other type of table, should be prepared in spreadsheet aplication (Excel is recommended). To submit a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which clearly indicates:
1. Full names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. (Please note that email addresses are essential to direct communication).
2. The complete title of the article.
3. Names, sizes, and types of files provide.
4. A list of the names and addresses of at least three (3) reviewers who are qualified to evaluate the manuscript.
Submitted manuscript will have a peer review evaluation. Resulting in any of the following: a) accepted (in this case we assume that no change, omission or addition to the article is required and it will be published as presented.); b) conditional acceptance (the article is accepted and recommended to be published but it needs to be corrected as indicated by the reviewer); and c) rejected (when the reviewer considers that the contents and/or form of the paper are not in accordance with requirements of publication standards of Biota Colombiana).

Taxonomic lists
Submitting a manuscript implies the explicit statement by the author(s) that the paper has not been published before nor accepted for publication in another journal or other means of scientific diffusion. Contributions are entire responsibility of the author and not the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Research on Biological Resources, or the journal and their editors.
Papers can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese and it is recommended not exceeding 40 pages (with paragraphs spaced at 1,5) including tables, figures and Annex. For special cases, the editor could consider publishing more extensive papers, monographs or symposium conclusions. New species descriptions for science, new geographic records and regional biodiversity lists are of particular interest for this journal. Any word-processor program may be used for the text (Word is recommended). taxonomic list or any other type of table, should be prepared in spreadsheet aplication (Excel is recommended). To submit a manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter which clearly indicates:
1. Full names, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses of all authors. (Please note that email addresses are essential to direct communication).
2. The complete title of the article.
3. Names, sizes, and types of files provide.
4. A list of the names and addresses of at least three (3) reviewers who are qualified to evaluate the manuscript.
Submitted manuscript will have a peer review evaluation. Resulting in any of the following: a) accepted (in this case we assume that no change, omission or addition to the article is required and it will be published as presented.); b) conditional acceptance (the article is accepted and recommended to be published but it needs to be corrected as indicated by the reviewer); and c) rejected (when the reviewer considers that the contents and/or form of the paper are not in accordance with requirements of publication standards of Biota Colombiana).

Ecoacoustics Special Issue

Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to Biota Colombiana are treated as confidential documents. The evaluation process of the manuscripts is anonymous, both for authors and for evaluators. This is a double anonymous process (double blind): the evaluators do not know the identity of the authors and the authors also do not know the identity of the evaluators. There are at least two reviewers for each manuscript. You may consult the Evaluation format here.
The arbitration process has a minimum duration of three to four months from the receipt of the article by Biota Colombiana. All contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors and not the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, the journal or its editors.
Publication Frequency
Two numbers a year.
Open Access Policy
Open Access Declaration- institutional journals
Taking into account that the results of the research produced by the Humboldt Institute must be disclosed in accordance with the criteria of basic normalization, visibility, availability and accessibility, in accordance with the Transparency Law (Law 1712 of 2014) and the provisions of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias), the digital contents of the institutional journals Biota Colombiana and Biodiversity in Practice are published under the principle of open access.
The submission of an article, by the authors, is understood as the acceptance of the declaration of open access for the journals Biota Colombiana and Biodiversity in Practice.
This implies that Biota Colombiana and Biodiversity in Practice journals are available to any member of the public through free access on any platform and web or digital media, including the institutional repository, the website or any magazine management system. In this manner, the Humboldt Institute hopes to disseminate research results and increase the availability of research output with greater visibility.
This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among collaborating libraries, which allows the creation of permanent files of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.
Ethical Considerations
Conflicts of Interest
With the submission of an article to Biota Colombiana it is understood that the authors have no conflicts of interests related to benefits, advantages, profits, earnings or financial benefits or any type that could potentially influence their objectivity. Any such conflicts should be declared when they are directly or indirectly related with the paper submitted to the journal. It should be noted that the existence of a conflict of interest does not de facto prevent publication, as long as they are declared and clearly explained in a footnote or in the acknowledgments. The principal or corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors, if applicable, of the existence of this policy and ensuring compliance. If there is no conflict, it shall be indicated as follows: "The author (s) declare (s) there are no conflicts of interest in connection with the publication of this manuscript."
It is the obligation of the authors to deliver to Biota Colombiana a precise and accurate version of the results or relevant data produced by their research. Likewise, all authors must declare not to have committed scientific misconduct such as plagiarism, falsification, selection of data or duplication of publications. In this sense, it is the duty of the authors to reference or declare the origin of all images, data and ideas that come from other authors or sources that have been used. Manuscripts should be submitted with a document signed by the main author declaring that the manuscript is unpublished and has not been submitted to another journal. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of all coauthors. The participation of each author in the work must be significant to take public responsibility for the content. All ideas and opinions expressed in the manuscripts are the sole responsibility of the authors. People who made helpful comments on the manuscript or collaborated with fieldwork, lab experiments, etc. and sources of funding can be named in the acknowledgments, but without titles or acronyms (e.g. Prof., Dr., Ph.D., etc.).
All manuscripts submitted to Biota Colombiana are treated as confidential. The evaluation process of manuscripts is anonymous for both authors and reviewers. That is, it is a double-blind process: reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors and the authors are also unaware of the identity of the evaluators. There are at least two reviewers for each manuscript. Without the express permission of the Editorial Board of the journal any total or partial reproduction of the content for commercial purposes is prohibited.
Biota Colombiana assumes that authors who submit manuscripts to the journal have complied with the guidelines established in accordance with the ethical codes of their respective institutions. Consequently, in the Materials and Methods section it should be indicated that the authors followed appropriate ethical standards in the case of studies reporting specimen collection that required approval by a committee or entity that oversees their research projects. When animal experiments were conducted, it must be clearly indicated that the guidelines of the institution or a national research council have been followed, with respect to any national laws on the care and use of laboratory animals. It is best to indicate the dates and decree number of all pertinent laws and regulations.
For manuscripts that include results where specimens have been deposited in biological collections, the institutions receiving the specimens should be identified along with museum catalog numbers, identification data of the collectors and other pertinent data about the voucher specimens. In the case of tissue samples deposited in collections, as well as DNA sequences deposited in databases, the access numbers, plus the number of collection permits and / or permits to access genetic resources of the material must also be included.
Biota Colombiana includes among its procedures compliance with international ethical standards that ensure transparency in the publication process for all parties involved (authors, reviewers, editors) such as Cope (Committee on Publications Ethics): International Standards for Editors and Authors ( and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (
Additionally, when submitting a manuscript to Biota Colombiana, the authors agree to follow the Ethical Standards of Helsinki (, agree to its publication and declare that all registered authors participated in key aspects of the research, that the study is scientifically valid, that it has not been published before or sent simultaneously to another journal.
Biota Colombiana, uses Turnitin software to cross-check manuscripts to identify any plagiarism, duplicate presentations or previously published articles and research fraud.
Responsibilities of the editors
- To act in a balanced, objective and fair manner without any sexual, religious, political, or ethical discrimination.
- To evaluate, edit and publish academic contributions only for their academic merit without taking into account any commercial influence or conflict of interest.
- To accept and follow proper procedures to resolve any complaints or ethical misunderstandings or conflicts of interest. The publisher and the editorial board will act in accordance with regulations, policies and procedures established by the Institute in the Institutional Code of Ethics. Authors in any event will be given an opportunity to respond to possible conflicts of interest. Any complaint must be supported with documentation and evidence proving improper conduct.
Responsibilities of the reviewers
- To contribute to the process of objective evaluation of manuscripts submitted for consideration to the journal, collaborating in a timely manner with the improvement in the quality of these original scientific research products.
- Maintain the confidentiality of the data supplied by the publisher, the editorial committee or authors, making proper use of such information by the means that are provided. However, it is the reviewer’s decision to retain or copy the manuscript in the evaluation process.
- Inform the editor and the editorial committee in a timely manner, if the content of an academic contribution contains elements of plagiarism or substantially resembles other research published or in press.
- Report any potential conflict of interest (institutional, financial partnerships or other) with an academic contribution, between the reviewer and the authors. For such a case, and if necessary, the reviewer should withdraw his or her services for the evaluation of the manuscript.
Responsibilities of the authors
- The authors must keep accurate records and supporting information of the data and analyses presented in the manuscript submitted for consideration to the journal. When the publisher or the editorial board of the journal requires this information (on reasonable grounds) the authors should provide it or facilitate access. Upon being requested, the original data will enter a chain of custody to ensure the confidentiality and protection of information by the journal.
- To confirm that the manuscript under evaluation is not being considered or submitted and / or accepted in another publication. If part of the content of this contribution has been published or presented in other media, the authors should clearly state so and cite the respective sources using academic citations. They must also submit a copy to the editor and the editorial board of any publication that may have overlapping or closely related content to the contribution under consideration. Additionally, the author must recognize the respective claims of the material reproduced from other sources. Any elements such as tables, figures, photos or patents, which require special permission to be reproduced, must be accompanied with a letter of acceptance of reproduction by the owners of the copyright of the product used.
- In research involving experiments with animals, authors must follow proper procedures that ensure good practices as established in the rules governing these activities.
- Declare any potential conflicts of interest that may exert undue influence at any time of the publishing process.
- Carefully review the page proofs, prior to the publication in the journal, reporting any errors that may have occurred and that should be corrected. If significant errors are detected after the paper has been published, authors should promptly notify the publisher and the editorial committee and cooperate with the journal to produce a list of the errors, as an appendix, notice or correction, or if deemed necessary to remove the paper from the published number.
Procedures to address unethical behavior:
- Unethical behavior by the authors or of which they are aware that is reported to the journal, will be examined first by the editor.
- The initial decision will be made by the editor, who should consult with the editorial board of the journal, and the institutional editorial committee, as the case requires.
- Evidence of the investigation will remain confidential.
- Unethical behavior that the editor considers minor may be treated between himself and the authors without further consultation. In any case, the authors should have the opportunity to respond to allegations of unethical behavior.
- In the case of unethical behavior of a serious nature, the authorities of the institution to which the authors are affiliated may be notified as well as any institution that supported the research. The editor, in consultation with the editorial board, will decide whether or not to involve those institutions, either by examining available evidence and/or through further consultations with a limited number of experts
Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible