Checklist of the cone shells (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Conidae) of Colombia

Abstract (en):

Among the gastropod molluscs, the family Conidae is undoubtedly one of the most unmistakable groups due to its characteristic conic shell, toxoglossan radulae and the variety of colors it usually exhibits. Cone shells are the most popular collectable shells among amateur and professional conchologists, and the shells of rare species may reach exorbitant prices. Cones are highly specialized, exclusively marine prosobranch gastropods, with around 500 living valid species. They occur mainly in the tropical zone of all world oceans, although the majority of species concentrate in the Indo-Pacific and western Pacific regions (Keen 1971; Walls 1979)


Cone shells, <em>Conus<em>, Gastropoda, Distribution, Species checklist, Colombia, Caribbean sea, Tropical eastern Pacific (en)




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How to Cite

Díaz-M., J. M., Gracia-C., A. M., & Cantera-K., J. R. (2005). Checklist of the cone shells (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Conidae) of Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 6(1). Retrieved from

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