Free-living species of the Copepoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) subclass of the Colombian continental waters

Abstract (en):

The present list was compiled based on a critical review of the records taken on Colombian territory within the following investigations: Taxonomy (Thiébaud 1912, Chappuis 1956, Kiefer 1956, Noodt 1972, Reid 1985, 1987, 1988, Petkovski 1986a, 1986b, 1988, Gaviria 1988, 1989, 1993a, 1994, Cicchino et al. 1989, 2001, Reid et al.1990, Monroy et al. 2004); faunistic (Pearse 1915, Löffler 1972, 1981); zooplancton ecology in Andean lakes (Andrade et al. 1991, Aranguren & Andrade 2003, Gaviria 1993b, Ramirez & Diaz 1997, Buitrago 1998, Jaramillo 2002, Jaramillo & Gaviria 2003, Gallo-Sánchez et al. 2004); swamps (Aranguren 1998) and reservoirs (Camargo 1994, Herrera-Martinez & Guillot 1999, Estrada Posada 1999, 2006). Individual species were recorded by Sturm (1978) in a study of Paramo ecology, by Suárez et al. (1984) in a biomedical study and by Roldán (1992) in his book on neotropical limnology. Recent collections and personal observations carried out by the authors were included as well. The diaptomid calanoids Notodiaptomus dilatatus, N. echinatus (syn. N. kieferi), N. henseni cited by Dussart (1984) and Rhacodiaptomus ringueleti (Cicchino & Dussart 1991) from the Atabapo River were reported as part of Venezuelan fauna, but they also belong to Colombian fauna as the river constitutes the border between the two countries in the state of Guainia. Dussart (op.cit.) also found, in the same river, females which he assigned to Rhacodiaptomus calatus coalescens and males which he assigned to Notodiaptomus coniferoides, but they actually belong to Notodiaptomus simillimus (Cicchino et al.2001)

Abstract (es):

Para la elaboración del inventario se revisaron críticamente los registros de Copepoda en territorio Colombiano incluidos en los siguientes estudios: Taxonomía (Thiébaud1912, Chappuis 1956, Kiefer 1956, Noodt 1972, Reid 1985, 1987, 1988, Petkovski 1986a, 1986b, 1988, Gaviria 1988, 1989, 1993a, 1994, Cicchino et al. 1989, 2001, Reidet al. 1990, Monroy et al. 2004), faunistica (Pearse 1915, Löffler 1972, 1981), ecología del zooplancton en lagos andinos (Andrade et al. 1991, Aranguren & Andrade 2003,Gaviria 1993b, Ramirez & Diaz 1997, Buitrago 1998, Jaramillo 2002, Jaramillo & Gaviria 2003, Gallo-Sánchez et al. 2004), en una ciénaga (Aranguren 1998) y en embalses (Camargo 1994, Herrera-Martinez & Guillot 1999, Estrada Posada 1999, 2006). Registros individuales de especies fueron hechos por Sturm (1978) en un estudio de ecologíadel páramo, Suárez et al. (1984) en un estudio biomédico y Roldán (1992) en un texto de limnología neotropical. Se incluyeron además colectas recientes y observacionespersonales de los autores. La taxonomía del presente artículo está basada en Boxshall & Halsey (2004) y en las listas mundiales de Dussart & Defaye (2002) para Calanoida, Dussart & Defaye (1985) para Cyclopoida y Dussart & Defaye (1990) para Harpacticoida. Las familias y géneros de Copepoda pueden identificarse con la clave de Dussart & Defaye (1995, 2001), las especies de Centropagidae con la clave de Bayly (1992), gran parte de aquellas de Cyclopoida con la de Reid (1985) y parte de las de Harpacticoida con la de Lang (1948). Para el género Mesocyclops se puede usar la clave de Hołyńska et al. (2003), para Thermocyclops la de Mirabdullayev et al. (2003), para Paracyclops la de Karaytug (1999) y paraNeocyclops la de Petkovski (1986a).


Copepoda, Zooplancton, Meiobentos, Distribución geográfica, Colombia (es)

Copepoda, zooplankton, meiobenthos, geographical distribution, Colombia (en)




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How to Cite

Gaviria, S., & Aranguren, N. (2007). Free-living species of the Copepoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) subclass of the Colombian continental waters. Biota Colombiana, 8(1). Retrieved from

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