The Colombian terrestrial mollusks are poorly known because most of the studies were focus on marine and freshwater mollusks, as a product of that there are actually some taxonomic inventories for those. A list to record the genus of Colombian terrestrial mollusks was create after intensive collection reviews using Internet and also using specialized bibliography. 80 genus were record distributed in 25 departaments of the country. The checklist is presented including the valid scientific names and their synonymies, also the classification systems that were use and the localities where were genera registry. That work was done under the support of the ABC grants funded by the Alexandre von Humboldt Institute. This list and its additional information was done using Authority Taxonomy Files (AAT for the word in Spanish), an application developed by the biodiversity information system of Colombia (SiB), coordinated also by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute.
Gasterópodos terrestres, Lista de géneros, Moluscos, Mesogastropodos, Pulmonados, Lista nomenclatural, Malacofauna (es)
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How to Cite
Vera Ardila, M. L. (2008). Lista de los géneros de moluscos terrestres de Colombia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Mesogastropoda y Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Biota Colombiana, 9(1). Retrieved from
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