Geographic distribution and conservation status of sawfish <em>Pristis spp<em> (Pristiformes: Pristidae) in the southern Caribbean Sea

Abstract (en):

The former presence of sawfishes (Pristis spp) is confirmed for the southern Caribbean Sea from the coasts of Colombia and Venezuela, based on review of eleven rostral saws exhibited in businesses, museums and private collections, as well as bibliographic references, photographs and surveys to detect sightings or captures in both countries. We determined that Pristis pristis and Pristis pectinata were present in the southern Caribbean coasts of Colombia and Venezuela, but that they are now probably locally extinct.

Abstract (es):

Se confirma la presencia en el pasado de las especies de pez sierra (Pristis spp) en el mar Caribe de Colombia y Venezuela, a partir de la revisión de once extensiones rostrales exhibidas en establecimientos, museos y colecciones de particulares, así como la consulta bibliográfica, encuestas y el examen de material fotográfico disponible sobre avistamientos o capturas realizadas en ambos países. Se determinó que las especies presentes en el Caribe de Colombia y Venezuela eran Pristis pristis y Pristis pectinata, las cuales en la actualidad se encuentran probablemente extintas localmente.


<em>Pristis pristis<em>, <em>Pristis pectinata<em>, Sawfish, Threatened species, Colombia, Venezuela (en)




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Gómez-Rodríguez, S., Caldas, J. P., Acero-P., A., Martínez-Silva, M. A., Sáenz-Okuyama, P., Lasso, C. A., & Lasso-Alcalá, O. M. (2014). Geographic distribution and conservation status of sawfish <em>Pristis spp<em> (Pristiformes: Pristidae) in the southern Caribbean Sea. Biota Colombiana, 15(Supl. 1). Retrieved from

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