Two sympatric species of aquatic frogs (Pipa pipa and 3LSDVQHWKODJHDHDUHUHSRUWHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHIRUWKH%LWDDQG2ULQRFRULYHUVLQWKHPRULFKHSDOPVZDPSVWUHDPVRIWKHÀRRGSODLQLQWKHGHSDUWPHQWRI9LFKDGDColombia. Updated maps are provided with the extension of the range of these two species, comments on their taxonomy and some aspects of their natural history are described

Abstract (en):

Two sympatric species of aquatic frogs (Pipa pipa and Pipa snethlageae) are reported for the first time for the Bita and Orinoco rivers in the moriche palm swamp streams of the floodplain, in the department of Vichada, Colombia. Updated maps are provided with the extensions of the range of these two species, comments on their taxonomy and some aspects of their natural history are described.

Abstract (es):

Se reportan por primera vez dos especies simpátricas de ranas acuáticas (Pipa pipa y Pipa snethlageae) para los ríos Bita y afluentes del río Orinoco en ambientes de morichal de la planicie inundable, departamento del Vichada, Colombia. Se proveen mapas actualizados con la ampliación del área de distribución de estas dos especies, se incluyen comentarios sobre la taxonomía y se describen algunos aspectos sobre su historia natural.


Anfibios. Guayana colombiana. Mauritia flexuosa. Nuevos registros. (es)

Amphibian, Guayana colombiana, Mauritia flexuosa (en)






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How to Cite

Acosta-Galvis, A. R., Lasso, C. A., & Morales-Betancourt, M. A. (2017). Two sympatric species of aquatic frogs (Pipa pipa and 3LSDVQHWKODJHDHDUHUHSRUWHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHIRUWKH%LWDDQG2ULQRFRULYHUVLQWKHPRULFKHSDOPVZDPSVWUHDPVRIWKHÀRRGSODLQLQWKHGHSDUWPHQWRI9LFKDGDColombia. Updated maps are provided with the extension of the range of these two species, comments on their taxonomy and some aspects of their natural history are described. Biota Colombiana, 17(2), 105–116.

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