Two new species of Miconia(Melastomataceae) from the eastern foothills of the Cordillera Central of Antioquia, Colombia

Abstract (en):

Miconia mailynii and Miconia hernandogarciae, two new species of berry-fruited Melastomataceae from the department of Antioquia, Colombia, are described. Miconia mailyniiis characterized by the presence of ant domatia, slightly anisophyllous leaves, and terminal inflorescences. This species is probably related to those species previously placed in the genus Clidemia from Panama and Costa Rica. Miconia hernandogarciae is associated within the clade Octopleura, and can be distinguished by its terminal inflorescences and leaves with basal venation. These two species are endemic to the foothills of the Cordillera Central and Cordillera Oriental around the central Magdalena Valley of Colombia. Because of their restricted distribution and habitat specificity, the categorization of species these species as Endangered (EN) is recommended.

Abstract (es):

Se describen dos especies de Melastomataceae de frutos carnosos procedentes del departamento de
Antioquia, Colombia: Miconia mailynii y Miconia hernandogarciae. Miconia mailynii se caracteriza por
la presencia de mirmecófilos, hojas levemente anisófilas e inflorescencias terminales; los taxones más
cercanos corresponden a especies del género Clidemia de Panamá y Costa Rica. Miconia hernandogarciae
se asocia al clado Octopleura y se distingue por poseer inflorescencias terminales y hojas con venación
basal. Estas dos especies se consideran endémicas al piedemonte asociado al Magdalena Medio de las
cordilleras Central y Oriental de Colombia y, debido a su distribución restringida y especificidad de
hábitat, se recomienda su categorización como En peligro (EN).


Bosques subandinos, Flora de Colombia, Miconieae, Norte de los Andes, Taxonomía (es)

Flora of Colombia, Miconieae, Northern Andes, Subandean Forest, Taxonomy (en)






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How to Cite

Mendoza-Cifuentes, H., Aguirre-Santoro, J., & Idárraga, Álvaro. (2018). Two new species of Miconia(Melastomataceae) from the eastern foothills of the Cordillera Central of Antioquia, Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 19(Sup. 1), 17–28.

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