Ectoparasites (Argulidae, Cymothoidae, Corallanidae) in freshwater rays (Potamotrygonidae) of the Colombian Orinoquia

Abstract (en):

Four species of ectoparasite crustaceans are registered for the first time from the Orinoco River Basin (Colombia) in freshwater stingrays of the family Potamotrygonidae, genusPotamotrygon. Two belong to the Branchiura subclass, Argulidae family: Dolops reperta (Bouvier, 1899) and D. striata (Bouvier, 1899), and two to the Isopoda Order, corresponding to the families Cymothoidae and Corallanidae, represented by the species Braga cigarra (Szidat & Schubart, 1960) and Excorallana delaneyi (Stone & Heard, 1989), respectively.

Abstract (es):

Se registra por primera vez para Colombia (cuenca del Orinoco), cuatro especies de crustáceos
ectoparásitos en rayas de agua dulce (Potamotrygonidae), género Potamotrygon. Dos que pertenecen
a la subclase Branchiura, familia Argulidae: Dolops reperta (Bouvier, 1899) y D. striata (Bouvier, 1899)
y dos al orden Isopoda, correspondientes a las familias Cymothoidae y Corallanidae, representadas
con las especies Braga cigarra (Szidat & Schubart, 1960) y Excorallana delaneyi (Stone & Heard, 1989),


Branchiura, Isopoda, Peces, Potamotrygon, Cuenca del río Orinoco (es)

Branchiura, Fishes, Isopoda, Orinoco River Basin, Potamotrygon (en)






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How to Cite

Lasso, C. A., Campos, M. R., Morales-Betancourt, M. A., & Castro, D. (2018). Ectoparasites (Argulidae, Cymothoidae, Corallanidae) in freshwater rays (Potamotrygonidae) of the Colombian Orinoquia. Biota Colombiana, 19(Sup. 1), 84–94.

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