Fauna associated with the Wine Palm Attalea butyracea (Mutis ex L.f.) Wess.Boer (1988) (Arecales: Arecaceae) in an agroecosystem of Galeras, Sucre, Colombia

Abstract (en):

The fauna associated with Attalea butyracea was studied in an agroecosystem of Galeras, Sucre, Colombia. Samplings were carried out during June 2016 in the farm Mi Ranchito, where 42 palms were checked. From the palms, arthropods were extracted and vertebrates were searched for. Subsequently, the material was identified and 13 orders were recorded with appearance frequencies and abundances as follows: Hymenoptera (100%; 232), Coleoptera (97.62%; 240), Araneae (95.24%; 169), Blattodea (88.09%; 143), Hemiptera (88.09%; 82), Amblypygi (85.71%; 166), Polydesmida (78.57%; 103), Lepidoptera (73.81%; 69), Archaeognatha (71.43%; 81), Orthoptera (69.04%; 31), Scorpiones (69.04%; 30), Ixodida (66.66%; 34) and Opiliones (66.66%; 57). Eighteen species were identified as follows: Arachnida: Charinus sp., Hapalopus sp., Phrynus barbadensis and Tityus tayrona; Insecta: Phileurus sp., Rhodnius pallescens and Triatoma dimidiata; Amphibia: Elachistocleis pearsei and Rhinella humboldti; Sauropsida: Bothrops asper, Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Gonatodes albogularis, Gymnophthalmus speciosus and Mabuya sp.; and Mammalia: Artibeus lituratus, Didelphis marsupialis, Molossus sp. and Mus musculus. In conclusion, the Wine Palm functions as a microenvironment for arthropods and small vertebrates due to its architecture; it is used as a dwelling, dormitory or occasional refuge, making it an important site for interactions of wild animals.

Abstract (es):

Se estudió la fauna asociada a Attalea butyracea en un agroecosistema de Galeras, Sucre, Colombia. Se efectuaron muestreos en junio de 2016 en la nca Mi Ranchito, donde se revisaron 42 palmas. De las palmas se extrajeron artrópodos y se buscaron vertebrados. Posteriormente, el material se identi có y se registraron 13 órdenes, con las siguientes frecuencias de aparición y abundancias: Hymenoptera (100 %; 232), Coleoptera (97,62 %; 240), Araneae (95,24 %; 169), Blattodea (88,09 %; 143), Hemiptera (88,09 %; 82), Amblypygi (85,71 %; 166), Polydesmida (78,57 %; 103), Lepidoptera (73,81 %; 69), Archaeognatha (71,43 %; 81), Orthoptera (69,04 %; 31), Scorpiones (69,04 %; 30), Ixodida (66,66 %; 34) y Opiliones (66,66 %; 57). Se identi caron las siguientes 18 especies: Arachnida: Charinus sp., Hapalopus sp., Phrynus barbadensis y Tityus tayrona; Insecta: Phileurus sp., Rhodnius pallescens y Triatoma dimidiata; Amphibia: Elachistocleis pearsei y Rhinella humboldti; Sauropsida: Bothrops asper, Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Gonatodes albogularis, Gymnophthalmus speciosus y Mabuya sp.; y Mammalia: Artibeus lituratus, Didelphis marsupialis, Molossus sp. y Mus musculus. En conclusión, la palma de vino, por su arquitectura, funciona como microambiente para artrópodos y vertebrados pequeños; es utilizada como vivienda, dormitorio o refugio ocasional, lo que hace de esta planta un sitio importante en las interacciones de animales silvestres.


Artro?podos, Ecosistema agri?cola, Palma de vino, Vertebrados (es)

Arthropods, Agricultural ecosystem, Wine palm, Vertebrates (en)






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How to Cite

Salcedo-Rivera, G. A., Herazo-Vitola, F. Y., Cruz, J. F., & Sierra-Serrano, O. (2018). Fauna associated with the Wine Palm Attalea butyracea (Mutis ex L.f.) Wess.Boer (1988) (Arecales: Arecaceae) in an agroecosystem of Galeras, Sucre, Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 19(1), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.21068/c2018.v19n01a03

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