Dipterans associated to the flowering of the avocado Persea americana Mill cv. Hass in Cauca, Colombia

Abstract (en):

There is a high diversity of insects associated to the flowering of avocado plants. Although bees are the main pollinators of the crop, species of different trophic guilds visit avocado inflorescences, yet little is known about them. In the municipality of Morales, Cauca, Colombia, two plots were selected and four trees were randomly selected from each one. Insects were collected with a net every hour for 20 minutes and the behavior of visiting insects was recorded in 10 inflorescences/tree. Insect collecting and observations were carried between 07:00-17:00 hours. The periods of visit to the flowers and the pollen load of the insects were evaluated weekly. Evaluations were carried out during two flowering periods. A high diversity of species was found associated with avocado inflorescences, being particularly higher in the order Diptera, with species such asLucilia eximia, Chrysomya putoria, Palpada scutellaris and Ornidia obesa. Insect floral visitors presented peaks between 10:00-11:00 and 14:00-15:00 hours. Although a lowamount of pollen on their bodies was observed, insects were collecting nectar, copulating or perched on flowers. This research shows that there is a high diversity of dipteransassociated with the flowering of Persea americana that could contribute to pollen dispersal in orchards and associated biological functions.

Abstract (es):

Existe una alta diversidad de insectos asociados a la floración del aguacate. Aunque las abejas son los principales polinizadores del cultivo, especies de distintos gremios tróficos frecuentan sus inflorescencias y poco se conoce sobre su identidad taxonómica. En el municipio de Morales, Cauca, Colombia, se seleccionaron dos parcelas, en las cuales se escogieron aleatoriamente cuatro árboles de aguacate y cada hora, durante 20 minutos, se realizó la captura de insectos con una jama y el registro de su comportamiento en 10 inflorescencias/árbol entre las 07:00-17:00 horas. Se evaluaron semanalmente los periodos de visita a las flores y la carga polínica de los insectos. Las evaluaciones se efectuaron durante dos épocas de floración. Se encontró alta diversidad de insectos, siendo mayor en los dípteros Lucilia eximia, Chrysomya putoria, Palpada scutellaris y Ornidia obesa. Los insectos presentaron picos de visita floral entre las 10:00-11:00 y 14:00-15:00 horas y, aunque con una baja cantidad de polen en sus cuerpos, se observaron colectando néctar, en cópula o posados en las flores. Esta investigación revela que existe una alta diversidad de dípteros asociados a la floración de Persea americana que puede contribuir a la dispersión del polen en los huertos y diversas funciones biológicas.


Aguacate, Insectos, Díptera, Diversidad, Polinizadores (es)

Avocado, Diptera, Diversity, Insects, Pollinators (en)






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How to Cite

Carabalí-Banguero, D., Montoya-Lerma, J., & Carabalí-Muñoz, A. (2018). Dipterans associated to the flowering of the avocado Persea americana Mill cv. Hass in Cauca, Colombia. Biota Colombiana, 19(1), 92–111. https://doi.org/10.21068/c2018.v19n01a06

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