Conservation and trafficking of the Matamata Turtle, Chelus fimbriata (Schneider, 1783) in Colombia: an example of joint efforts of the National Environmental System, one NGO, and academia

Abstract (en):

We present the results of an interinstitutional initiative that verified the provenance of several groups of the Matamata Turtle (Chelus fimbriata), confiscated in the city of Leticia, department of Amazonas, Colombia, with molecular tools. The confiscated turtles corresponded to specimens captured in the Orinoquia region, and apparently were destined to Peru as part of a network of illegal trafficking. Based on this finding, two environmental corporations worked together and made possible the release of about 400 individuals in the Vichada department on the Bita River and the Bojonawi Nature Reserve (Orinoco River basin). It is therefore evident that this species is being trafficked towards Peru, where the commercialization of turtles is legal. We recommend the use of genetic identification protocols to identify and control the geographical origin of turtles that may be captured in the future as a necessary step that must precede their liberation.

Abstract (es):

Se presentan los resultados de una iniciativa interinstitucional (Corpoamazonia, Corporinoquia, Instituto Humboldt, Universidad de Los Andes y Fundación Omacha), donde se verificó, con herramientas moleculares, que varios lotes de tortugas matamata (Chelus fimbriata) decomisadas en la ciudad de Leticia, departamento del Amazonas, Colombia, correspondían a ejemplares capturados en la Orinoquia y cuyo destino final era aparentemente Perú, como parte de una red de tráfico de fauna. Basados en este hallazgo, 2 corporaciones liberaron 400 individuos neonatos en el en el río Bita y la Reserva Natural Privada Bojonawi en el departamento del Vichada, Orinoquia colombiana. Se evidencia el tráfico de esta especie probablemente hacia Perú, donde la comercialización de tortugas es legal. Se recomienda el uso de protocolos de identificación genética para determinar y controlar la procedencia geográfica de tortugas decomisadas a futuro, como paso previo y necesario para su liberación.


Amazonas, Identificación molecular, Liberación de especies, Orinoquia, Tráfico de especies (es)

Amazon Basin, Animal trade, Molecular identification, Orinoco Basin, Species liberation (en)






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How to Cite

Lasso, C. A., Trujillo, F., Morales-Betancourt, M. A., Amaya, L., Caballero, S., & Castañeda, B. (2018). Conservation and trafficking of the Matamata Turtle, Chelus fimbriata (Schneider, 1783) in Colombia: an example of joint efforts of the National Environmental System, one NGO, and academia. Biota Colombiana, 19(1), 147–159.

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