Biota Colombiana

Biota Colombiana is a periodic scientific journal that publishes original articles and essays about biodiversity of the Neotropical region, with emphasis oi Colombia and neighboring countries. It is refereed by a minimum of two peer reviewers. It includes subjects related to botany, zoology, ecology, biology, limnology, conservation, resource management and use of biodiversity as well as database articles. The submission of a manuscript implies the explicit declaration by the author (s) that the manuscript has not previously been published nor accepted for publication in another journal or other scientific dissemination body. The arbitration process has a minimum duration of three to four months from the receipt of the article by Biota Colombiana. All contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors (sources of information, data, analysis, writing, etc.) and not the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, the journal or its editors.

ISSN: 0124-5376
e-ISSN: 2539-200X
Linking ISSN: 0124-5376
DOI: 10.21068/c001

Periodicity: biannual (January to June and July to December)
Subjects: botany, zoology, ecology, biology, limnology, conservation, resource management and use of biodiversity
Indexes: SCOPUSRedalycScieloLatindex, MIARREDIBBASEZoological Record, Ulrich’s, PKP Index, Ebsco (Academic Search completeAcademic Search UltimateFuente AcadémicaFuente Académica PlusFuente Académica Premier), Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI) and DOAJ.



Tema libre

Volumen de publicación continua.

Current Issue

Vol. 26 (2025)
Published enero 20, 2025


New records of Coendou pruinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae) in Colombia, with notes on its natural history
Camilo Ernesto Angarita Yanes
PDF (Español)
Updated list of odonates (Insecta) in the department of Córdoba, Colombia
Cornelio Bota-Sierra, Lizeth Paola Bedoya Arteaga, Mariano Abad Atehortua Mejía, Luisa M. Cuello-Montes, Odalys Cuevas-Flórez , Luisa Fernanda Duque-Bedoya, Idalina Navarro-Barreto, Camila Andrea Santos-Arzuza, Jan Carlos Vargas-Acosta, Jaider Verbel, Janis Zúñiga-Ortega
PDF (Español)
Human-wildlife conflicts in Latin America: A systematic review of jaguars (Panthera onca) and Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus)
María Margarita Arrieta-García, Krisztián Katona
PDF (Español)

ISSN: 0124-5376
e-ISSN: 2539-200X
Linking ISSN: 0124-5376
DOI: 10.21068/c001

Periodicity: biannual (January to June and July to December)
Subjects: botany, zoology, ecology, biology, limnology, conservation, resource management and use of biodiversity
Indexes: SCOPUSRedalycScieloLatindexMIARREDIBBASEZoological Record, Ulrich’s, PKP Index, Ebsco (Academic Search completeAcademic Search UltimateFuente AcadémicaFuente Académica PlusFuente Académica Premier), Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI) and DOAJ.